Buddhist literature is a subject in the field of Philology. Buddhist Literature - 文獻學佛教 is the source of Literature related to the history and literature of Buddhism.
At certain times, Buddhist literature is related to the history and civilization of a country. For example, the Ashoka Stone Pillar at Sarnath left by King Ashoka is the source of the written text, the earliest contribution of the Indus Valley Civilisation, an ancient type of Harrapa, older than the ancient Sanskrit. The language commonly found on the pillars of the rock that is today called Prakrita. Or as 禪苑集英 - Collection of Outstanding Figures of the Zen Garden, Vietnamese: Thiền uyển tập anh, is a prose work written in Chinese characters, this is the oldest historical source of Buddhism in Vietnam available.
A concrete demonstration of American Buddhist Literature, is its translation and published research of the American Transcendentalists and associated persons, in particular Henry David Thoreau took an interest in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. In 1844, The Dial, a small literary publication edited by Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, published an English version of a portion of the Lotus Sutra.

This is an interesting and important topic that the Journal of Buddhist Studies is focusing on to research, read and spread Buddhist Literature, a wisdom of wise teachings derived from words, taught from Buddha.
This is a subject for the Journal of Buddhist Studies to have an opportunity to study a language, to examine cultural and historical contexts as well as Buddhist culture and Buddhist scriptures - Buddhist texts. In order to contribute to understanding the relationship in the historical process of Buddhism interacting with a country or territory where Buddhism was propagated there.
We hope that these are interesting suggestions that can be a useful and valuable article to the public.
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