JBS - Journal of Buddhist Studies
Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies
ISSN: 2692-7357 . eISSN: 2692-739X
ISSN: 2692-7357
eISSN: 2692-739X

JBS Issues
Applied research in Buddhist studies is a school of social science research.
​The philosophy and worldview in Buddhism has brought about an understanding of a rapidly changing world, we commit to the progressive mission, contributing the values of the Journal of Buddhist Studies to society. Buddhist studies, also known as Buddhology, is the academic study of Buddhism.
The Journal of Buddhist Studies is committed to producing high quality published work.
Our work is dedicated to the memory of Zen Master, Buddhist Missionary, and Contributors.
Call for Papers​
The Journal of Buddhist Studies invites you to submit your proposal for our next issue, especially on the following themes relating to Buddhist studies: history, culture, archaeology, arts, philology, meditation, anthropology, sociology, theology, philosophy, practices, inter-religious comparative studies, and other subjects on Buddhism.
The Journal publishes in both print and online version.
Submitting your content proposal and/or manuscript to info@jbspress.com
Please consider submitting your content proposal and/or manuscript for consideration by the Editorial Team. Selected authors will receive an acceptance notification within 5-7 days from the date of the manuscript submission.