JBS - Journal of Buddhist Studies
Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist Studies
ISSN: 2692-7357 . eISSN: 2692-739X

Editorial Team
Journal of Buddhist Studies
A Journal of the U.S. Sangha for Buddhist studies
ISSN 2692-7357, electronic ISSN 2692-739X
The Hon. Thich Giac Chinh, Buddhist Missionary
Brittany Tran Olarsch,
Vice President – Managing Editor
Vyvyenne Pham, Secretary – Copy Editor
Pam Ly, Associate – Book Review Editor
Most Venerable Thich Minh Thanh, Ph.D.
Venerable Thich Minh Dieu, Ph.D.
Venerable Thich Chan Phap Tu, M.A.
Venerable Thich Giac Chinh, M.A.
Venerable Sung H. Won SooSeong, M.A.
Venerable Bhikkhuni Gioi Huong, Ph.D.
Ngu Long T. Ho, Ph.D.
Dr. Bich Luy Dinh
Phe Bach, Ed.D.
Priyadarsini Mitra, Ph.D.
Cynthia Pham, Pharm.D.
Chaplain – U.S Army Niphon Sukuan, M.A.
Binh Pham, Graphic Designer & Photographer
Dharma Mountain Graphic Design Team
Almost all academic journals have an editorial board consisting of selected, unpaid experts in the academic field covered by a journal. This is an honorary position, although board members sometimes provide peer review of submissions. A member may be asked to review several manuscripts per year and may edit a special issue. The members may also be consulted regarding new regulations in the journal. They are expected to promote the journal among their peers.